An eclectic mix of harp music from around the world. You'll hear music throughout the ages, from the very beginnings of written music to pieces by contemporary composers. Harps have been incorporated into the musics of surprisingly diverse countries. While the music of Ireland is closely associated with the harp, it can also be found in countries such as Spain, Mexico, Paraguay, Italy and even the Far East countries such as Burma, China and Japan. Hosted by Valerie Green.
Music has always been a part of Valerie Green's life, from piano lessons at age 6 all the way through a music major at USL (University of Louisiana at Lafayette). But the harp always had a special calling to Valerie even though her connection to the instrument didn't manifest itself until about 15 years ago when she built a Celtic harp from a kit that arrived in a box containing hundreds of pieces! Valerie strives to introduce listeners to music that they may not hear anywhere else; tunes from artists not well known yet have a unique and intriguing sound that deserves to be heard by a wider audience.